March 02, 2009


So... I had an appointment this morning with my OB, she informed me that I have a narrow pelvis. This means that if Simone is over 9 lbs or if she has a big head (if you have met anyone from my side of the family you know that this is very likely) I will need a c-section. I guess that this would not be so bad, but I haven't been preparing for major surgery. Also, I felt like so much less of a woman... I keep hearing her say "narrow pelvis" in my head. I know I'm being silly but I can't help it.
On the bright side...
I am dilated to 1 cm so I should be delivered by early next week!


isellseals said...

i think that you're preggers proves you're a woman ;)

but i understand what you mean about knowing something and yet not at the same time.

love you all <3

Mrs.Volks said...

Yay! I can't wait to see pictures. I have been reading a lot about having a "birth plan" etc and one of the main things I have taken away from my reading is that you can't be married to any one way of bringing your baby into the world. It just adds to the stress. So, if it's a C-section, say Alleluia here comes my baby, one way or another! :-) Take care!

Ma Torg said...

Wowsa. You'll be a momma soon! How fun! Also, I wouldn't take the narrow pelvis thing too seriously. From what I've read up on, the only way to officially diagnose that is with x-rays and only 3-5% of women have a diagnosable 'narrow pelvis'. So, you might do just fine. Squat while pushing will help. It is the position that opens up the pelvis the most for birth.

Nikki said...

I guess I am somehow less of a woman, too, since I was told I have the same anatomical feature. :)

I've had some time to think about this since I was told very early on, and I have decided that the most important thing is that my baby has every chance of a safe entrance into the world, so if that means c-section, fine. I am not a natural birth freak... I'm just amazed and grateful every day that my baby still moves and has a heartbeat. My doctor said we'd try for a vaginal birth and do a c-section on an emergency basis if my pelvis doesn't open up enough.

What he said acknowledges the fact that nobody really knows until the last minute how much your pelvic area may open up - there's a good chance you may still be able to give birth vaginally. I think they tell those of us with narrower pelvises that we may need c-sections so that it's not a complete shock when the moment comes and we are in the minority of women who need a c-section. It's not a diagnosis so much as a possibility, so I hope it won't worry you too much.

Of course, it's easy to say that with my own moment of truth weeks and weeks off... but ultimately you and Simone are in God's hands. I also think it is amazing that we live in a time when babies have so many more chances for life in situations that were far more dangerous in the past, and I hope your doctors will have the wisdom to help you and Simone though birth as safely as possible.