March 07, 2009

The Day After Tomorrow... maybe

I am at the end of my count down. The nursery is done, and we have all the little things Simone and I will need for a few months (I think) my bag is packed the charts and lists have been created and printed. I am ready.
For those of you that haven't heard, I am scheduled for a c-section on Thursday at 7:30 am. I am due on Monday but Thursday was the soonest that the appointment could be made. If I go into labor before then I will have an emergency c-section. This is because of the size of my pelvis and the fact that Simone will be around 9lbs! So big! The poor little lamb has been trying to get things started, but my body just won't cooperate. So "they will have to go in and get her" as my mom says.


m(oose) said...

I love you! I'll be thinking of you all this week :)

Jen said...
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Jen said...

I am surprised that the doctor is not giving you a trial of labor, but I know from experience that c-sections are a gift from God when needed and that getting the baby out safely is the most important thing, no matter the means.

I'm praying for you and am SO looking forward to meeting Simone!

Jon, Erin, Talia, and Elliana said...

Congratulations! I will be praying for you! Talia was 8 lbs 13 oz and I loved having a "sturdy" baby. They tend to eat better and sleep through the night sooner. We can't wait to see pictures of Simone. I hope you are able to get some rest while you wait.