February 02, 2009

Home Again

We spent a few hours at the hospital last night. I was very dehydrated and seem to have some kind of intestinal bug. I was experiencing moderate contractions that were fairly regular, and I was in a lot of discomfort. I had to drink a bunch of water and given saline through an IV. The nurses had a lot of trouble getting the IV in so my hands and wrists are quite bruised. once I was hydrated my contractions stopCheck Spellingped so we were sent home just after 1 am. It was quite a night, and I learned a few things.

1. I have to drink way more water than I thought. About 16 oz. an hour.
2. Jer is very calm in the midst of a crisis.
3. Moderate contractions are uncomfortable but not really painful.
4. get your bags packed at least a month before your dew date, you may not need everything in them, but its really nice to have everything you may need all in one place.


Mrs.Volks said...

Wow! What an experience. I'm glad everything turned out all right!!

m(oose) said...

You poor baby! I'm sorry you had to spend another evening at the hospital :( I'm glad you're okay! ::hugs::

Nikki said...

Yikes. I don't like IVs anyway, so I can imagine how unpleasant all of the bruising on the hand must be. I've read that dehydration can cause some real problems, but I didn't realize just what sort or how many. It's a good reminder to keep the water flowing, even though all of the trips to the bathroom are annoying. Take good care of yourself!

Anonymous said...

I wrote dew not due! That is where my brain is these days!!!

Nikki said...

Haha. Pregnancy brain strikes again! I've already had pregnant moments, and I'm barely looking at T2.