January 16, 2009


I am planing to make some swaddling blankets, burp cloths, and bibs for the baby. The more I think about this plan the more I am worried that I will not make enough or that I will make way to many, although having to many wouldn't be so bad I guess... I would just feel silly. How many of each item should I make? Any advice?


Mrs.Volks said...

Are you a seamstress? I'm so jealous! I wish I had that talent or creativity.

Our baby just started kicking this week. It's SO exciting, isn't it? Are you as nervous about this whole motherhood process as I am?

Katie Jones said...

Swaddling blankets- I recommend 3, just make them big enough (45x45" or so)

Bibs- I have 12 for Luke and use them all up every 2 days due to the drooling

Burp cloths- lots!

Ma Torg said...

I second Katie's advice on the blankets. Have you had your baby shower yet? You might get lot of these things then, anyhow.

Bibs--I have a secret confession to make...I hardly ever use them! In the US, I had 2 of those plastic/silicon/whatever ones you can wipe down right after a meal. That's it. And, lots of times, I didn't bother because, frankly, most babies spread their food all over the place that I just stripped them down naked for meals and planned baths right after.

Burp cloths--depends on whether you have a spitter and are a believer in burping. Lucy soiled about 8 PER DAY. Edmund and Mary never burped. So, I didn't use one with them after the first week of newbornness.

So, how's that for NOT HELPFUL ADVICE from a mother of three!!!

Jen said...

Depends how often you want to do laundry.

I agree that you'll probably go through lots of burp clothes and bibs (for drool) each day. (I know "lots" is vague, but it's been too long for me to remember how many of each I used for Katherine.)

Jon, Erin, Talia, and Elliana said...

I would suggest at least a dozen burp clothes (more won't hurt).

The best swaddle blankets for Talia were made out of the stretchy waffled material (the name of the material slips my mind but I think it is used in long underwear). In addition to being pliable, this material breaths easier so I worried less about overheating. I also agree that they should be large. Eventually you will want 3 of your favorite swaddles (you may try a few different styles and fabrics before you find the one that fits you and the baby). Three means one in the wash, one covered with spit-up, and the third on the baby :).

For a young Talia (0-6 months or so) I liked to have a few cute bibs for going out (since Talia loved to spit up on pretty, clean outfits). Once Talia began eating, the large cloth bibs came in handy. Terry cloth seems to catch the food better than a smooth fabric. I loved the kiddopatamus (spelling?) rubber bib with a lip, but the rubber gave Talia a rash so I just had to accept the fact that I would have very stained cloth bibs. I suggest at least four large bibs that can get messy, and couple for going out. Of course, if Simone has no reaction to the rubber bibs, you will probably need only a couple.

You will have to take pictures of the finished products :).