December 16, 2008

christmas time is here

I didn't think it would come, but it did! I figured that since we had decided and indeed completed our move within 3 weeks, and that we are still unpacking from this move that we would have to forgo the usual Christmas decorations. This was very sad to me, considering I usually start pestering my housemates for a Christmas tree the week before Thanksgiving. This year I thought I should be a big girl and not whine about a tree or lights or cinnamon scented candles... I would only get out our creche this year. But... do you know what my husband did this last Saturday? He woke up and said "lets go get you your tree today". I was soooo happy! Now, last years Christmas tree buying trip was far from ideal. It took hours, it cost lots more than it should have, and there was a lot of... colorful... language. Jer did not have fun. I did not have fun. We came home with a very expensive tree and bad moods. This year, however, we arrived at The Home Depot picked up the first tree that we came across and it was perfect, proceeded to the checkout counter, paid, had the tree tied to the top of our car, and were on our way home in less than 15 minutes. I spent the rest of the weekend decorating the tree, putting out the scented candles, addressing Christmas cards, and making a place for the creche. Now I have to get some lights for the porch.

Life is good, and festive :)

1 comment:

m(oose) said...

How wonderful! I'm so happy for you guys :)