November 21, 2007

Thanksgiving Prep

This year Jer and I are hosting Thanksgiving at our new apartment. I started my prep yesterday by making a pie (like the one in the picture) and freezing it for Thursday. It's my first time freezing a pie so I'm not sure how well it will work.
Today I will make a pomegranate syrup (for the roast I will make tomorrow) then a pumpkin pie. Later today I'm gonna' brine the turkey. Tomorrow shouldn't be too busy because I will do most of the hard stuff today.
On Friday Jeremiah and I bought our first set of dinnerware. I love them! Till now we had been using the standard hand-me-down mismatched plates that most couples start with. Now we have the nicest set, and enough that everyone can have their own plate on Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Nikki said...

Oh. Sounds like Thanksgiving will be very lovely indeed! I love Crate and Barrel dishes, and mine, though a bit different, are the pure white porcelain like those you chose. I am quite sure I learned the appeal of simple dishes while living with your family. My dishes have started to have that chipped and loved look. I for one still love them.

I'd like you two to know that you and your family are among my reasons for being thankful this year. I hope you are blessed in the coming year with even more to be thankful for! Love to all of you!