April 08, 2009

Getting Over It

So, for the last few days Simone has been loving her swing. She wants to eat be kissed and then put right into her swing, she gets very upset if you try to do anything else. Lord help you if you have to change the angel. The whole thing has made me feel like a bad mother. I feel like I am ignoring her even if I am sitting next to her in her swing and I don't take my eyes off of her. Silly. My mother wisely says "she just likes her swing... it has nothing to do with you". I'm glad my mother is here or I would be really going crazy! It is really amazing how guilty you feel about everything as a parent.


Nikki said...

The guilt has started in pregnancy for me, and I can only imagine how much more guilty I will feel with a little one who has his own mind. I guess you have the opportunity to learn pretty early that Simone is her own person with her own likes/dislikes/agenda, and that Mommy's job is making sure she gets what she needs, not necessarily what she wants from moment to moment. :) I know you well enough to know that being a bad mother has nothing to do with it! I may really appreciate this post several months ago when I am feeling like a failure.

Katie Jones said...

I was like that about Luke's mobile. When he watched it, it was the first time I had free time since he was born. I am so glad that likes her swing!

Jen said...

I totally know what you mean. I used to feel guilty when Katherine was in her swing. I didn't know what to do with myself. :o)

Ma Torg said...

I must confess that I NEVER felt guilty with swings or bouncy seats. One of the first things I did post childbirth was figure out which one the kid liked best! Of course, I'm not a real 'touchy' person either and that might have had to do with it. I wanted space!

Is Simone sleeping better at night?

Jon, Erin, Talia, and Elliana said...

Guilty, inept, frustrated, confused, yep, I remember that. Oh wait, it still occurs! The first couple weeks and months are amazing, but very trying. I have no doubt that you are doing a wonderful job! I'm sure you have heard this, but it will get easier. I appreciate your honesty. Being a mom is a huge blessing, but it can be exhausting. We had a portable swing that I could move from room to room. Talia swung away in the bathroom every morning while I showered.