January 26, 2007

Our 4 Month Odyssey

It's been a crazy few months. Some of the things we have done are...

moved 3 times,
had at least 4 jobs each,
nursed my mother through cancer treatment,
Jer quit smoking,
each had a fever of over 100 degrees - twice,
learned how to make meals without the use of an oven or stove,
spent countless hours in various hospitals for both my mom and dad,
celebrated 6 months of being married,
joined the alter guild,
and become aunt and uncle to a beautiful little girl.

Fun huh. We have been tired and I have not in the posting sort of mood, sorry. I will be a good girl from now on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ashleigh! So good to see you (sort of seeing you). You guys have had an intense 6 months.

love you--