...Jer and I have started having a regular Friday night date. We look for inexpensive things to do close to home, and after Simone is asleep we go. So far we have walked on the beach, gone to Disneyland, and gone to the movies. which brings me to the point...
Last year we were very pleasantly surprised by how fun/good "transformers" was. When we first heard that the toys we had enjoyed so much as children were getting their own full length (live action?) film we laughed out loud. But it turned out to be pretty okay. It was full of action, but it also had enough down time that you wouldn't get motion sick. It also had a fair amount of charm somehow.
On Saturday we went to see the sequel. Oh, disappointment! It was nonstop action, crass humor, and lots of slow motion girl-taking-her-top-off close ups (nd John Tuturro in a jock strap and nothing else!!!). Needless to say Idon't recommend the movie.
On the other hand it is some of Michael Bay's best